We really want to make sure that our training is right for you as much as you are a perfect match for what we are offering and want to achieve with our graduates.

We appreciate that deciding which teacher training to do can be daunting, and it can be confusing as to whether or not a teacher training is the right path for you. This is perfectly ok, and we want you to be 100% sure that our training is for you.

We will always value quality over quantity – There is a maximum number of 12 students per enrolment to ensure you get the best experience, build better relationships, and Richard ensures that he knows all of his graduates on an individual level.

Standard Teacher Training investment = £2750 (includes £500 deposit)


We encourage all of our applicants to take our ROOTS OF YOGA pre-foundation course, to ensure that this is the right teacher training course for you. To thank you for starting your yoga journey with Contemporary School of Yoga, we offer a wonderful incentive to all our Roots of Yoga graduates.

If you decide to enrol in our 250-hour Teacher Training you will benefit from significantly lower tuition fees, our way of expressing our gratitude and incentivising you to make that leap…. You can do this!!

CSY Standard Teacher Training Tuition investment £2750

ROOTS OF YOGA Graduate Tuition investment £2250

Sign up today for our Pre-Foundation Course ROOTS OF YOGA at only £150, If you successfully complete this course and sign up for our teacher training course, we will take £500 off the regular teacher training investment.

 Yes – £500 will be deducted from your teacher training!!

What are you investing in?

  • Access to CSY TT exclusive online community Facebook group
  • All online classes will be recorded and available to watch again and again
  • Downloadable PDFs of key topics and important information
  • 14 full days of in-person training (including 6 day intensive)
  • 8 x Monthly group coaching calls
  • 2 x 1:1 personal mentoring calls with Course Tutor
  • Assessment, evaluation and graduation ceremony
  • Accredited certificate for all successful graduates

What’s not included?

  • Reading list (most books can be purchased second hand nowadays on amazon or ebay), but all books recommended will be useful for your future yoga-teaching career.
  • Accommodation and Travel for weekend in-person training sessions
  • Food and snacks for any in-person training
  • Insurance
  • Any catch up or re-assessment sessions organised outside of scheduled course times.

Payment plan is available for those who need it.

Contact us for more information.