ENERGY Foundation

Subtle Body Awareness

What is energy? Often in yoga classes your teachers will drop words in like; ‘chakras’, ‘prana’ and ‘koshas’. But what exactly are these? Are they real can we feel them? CSY created this fantastic online course that guides you through an embodied process of inner inquiry. It helps you gain deeper understanding of the invisible body and takes you on a journey to try to decipher what and how you relate to them. Its basically an inner journey from start to finish.

For you – if you….

  • Want to understand more about the energetic systems in your body
  • Enjoy the physical side to yoga but a part of you is craving more
  • Feel that advanced practice is more than difficult postures
  • Hear words all the time in yoga classes but aren’t sure what the teacher is talking about
  • Question what other teachers have said to you about chakras 
  • Wish to have an intimate relationship with your own body
  • Desire to understand sequencing of poses to have an energetic effect
  • realise your connection to nature and the world around

Course includes:

  • 24 hours of tuition and downloadable PDF course manuals
  • Introduction to invisible anatomy
  • Understanding Koshas, Nadis and Energy
  • In depth chakra study
  • Asana, mudra and meditations for each chakra
  • The philosophy of the chakras
  • Sequencing asana to work with energy centres
  • Illnesses or dis-ease linked to the chakra system

6 Modules to be completed at your own pace.

This easy to navigate certified course will comprise of Six modules. Each module will require around 4 hours of study and practice, consisting of videos, webinars, articles to read, yoga practices and a fun quiz to test yourself. We recommend you spend at least a week on each module to really immerse yourself with this one!

There is a short, written reflection to complete, which is a necessary part if using this course towards part of our 300hr Teacher Training.


Module 1 –Root/ Earth

Module 2 – Sacral/ Water

Module 3 – Naval/ Fire

Module 4 – Heart/Air

Module 5 – Throat/Space

Module 6 – MidBrain/Crown/ Illumination

Is this course for me?

This course is not suitable for beginners. We suggest that you complete CSY YOGA Foundation, or be familiar with yoga postures and simple pranayama and meditation techniques.

This course doesn’t require you to be able to practice difficult yoga postures, but does require a level of body awareness. We encourage anyone to learn more – we just want to make sure you get the best possible experience from this course.

This course is also perfect for yoga or movement teachers wanting to understand and experience the full spectrum of our embodied experience.


The cost for this advanced online courses is £295


This is for students who have completed YOGA Foundation and would like to delve deeper into yoga wisdom and subtle body training.

ENERGY Foundation – Subtle Body Training is intended for students who would like to develop their knowledge and understanding of yoga. It is part of our 300hr Teacher Training but can also be taken by anyone with a regular yoga practice and is interested in knowing more about the invisible body and energy anatomy.

Why not also  try:

ANATOMY Foundation – The Moving Body

SHAMANISM Foundation – Seeing the Unseen