YOGA Foundation


Do you ever long to delve deeper into your yoga journey but don’t know where to start? You’ve been to a few classes but crave more insight to other parts of yoga that there never seems to be time for in class? Roots of yoga is the perfect platform to begin your yogic adventure and inspire you to dive deeper, beyond the mat.

You may be feeling hungry to start your teacher training but not convinced you know enough, not sure about the big commitment? Unsure of which teacher training to take, or what brand or style to train in? For most, it’s a life changing decision so it’s not surprising it can feel a little scary. We hear you, and have created this amazing online course that guides you through a practical process. It helps you understand how your yoga practice works and fills in the gaps you require in order to progress to where you want to be. 

For you, if you….

  • Struggle to find that one book or course that will teach you all there is to know about yoga
  • Enjoy practicing yoga but a part of you is hungry for more
  • Want to emphasise your unique experience of yoga
  • Hear weird words sometimes in yoga classes but aren’t sure what the teacher is talking about
  • Question if yoga philosophy is relevant to you today
  • Feel that asana classes only take you so far
  • Curious about practicing at home, but don’t know where to start.
  • Want to feel confident adapting postures and sequences to suit your own needs
  • Interested in designing your own self practice and creating your own sequences
  • Want to inquire further how your yoga practice makes you feel
  • Want to know more about the breathing practices and meditation
  • Need guidance on evolving your yoga practice on and off the mat
  • Are thinking about teacher training but are unsure if it’s for you

In these current times of growing uncertainty, more and more of us are experiencing a longing for more, a clearer sense of purpose and direction. You may be craving change, but unsure what this might look like. What you do know is that you love practicing yoga and it provides a deep sense of connection, and you want to try and understand this more. There are so many yoga books out there, but reading about something and actually feeling and experiencing it are two different things.

Most of our previous students have shared with us about not knowing where to start and sometimes finding the thought of a yoga teacher training intimidating. Perhaps social media images of yoga have put you off, or make you feel inadequate? Yoga should be doing the opposite! Yoga should leave you feeling confident and competent! It can help you awaken the best version of you, that is able to look at things in multiple ways, that is able to make choices based on your individual needs, and embraces you for who you are. Yoga should inspire you to want to keep learning more and more.

This course is designed to help you make change through choice. Change always starts with you. If you look after yourself, you are more able to look after the world. If you change your relationship to yourself, the world around you magically begins to change!

This transformative 6-week course includes:

  • 24 hours of online tuition and practice sessions
  • Downloadable PDF worksheets to help understand your practice
  • 4 x group coaching sessions
  • Recommended reading list – books we love!
  • Introduction to the key yoga texts
  • 1:1 mentor session (optional) to discuss if Teacher Training is for you
  • Accredited certificate once successfully completed
  • 30 hours of study hours towards our teacher training upon enrolment
  • 1 year access to all recorded videos and classes
  • Invitation to be part of our supportive and fun Facebook group for all CSY movers and changers!

6 Modules to be completed over 6 weeks

This in-depth certified course will comprise of six modules. Each module will require around 4 hours of study and practice, consisting of videos, webinars, articles to read, yoga practices and a fun quiz to test yourself. 

There are also 4 group coaching sessions at the end of weeks, 1, 2, 4 & 6. These will take place during weekday evenings (further details are provided upon enrolment).

There is a short, written reflection to complete, which is a necessary part if using this course towards part of our 250hr Teacher Training.



  • Yoga definitions
  • Introduction to the ancient yoga texts
  • Yoga philosophy
  • Yoga is more than stretching
  • Physical practice


  • Yoga Sutras
  • 8-Limbs of yoga
  • Yamas and Niyamas
  • Yoga as self-inquiry


  • Definitions of a yoga pose
  • The benefits of practice
  • Healthy posture
  • Self-practice
  • Adapting your practice


  • What is Pranayama?
  • Classic pranayama practices
  • Sanskrit names for yoga poses (fun quiz!)
  • Using the breath in yoga poses


  • What is Pratyahara?
  • Using pratyahara in yoga poses
  • Further pranayama techniques
  • Working with additional breathing practices
  • The concept of MIND
  • The body as focus


  • Stress and the nervous system
  • Inversions
  • Exploring meditation techniques
  • Relaxation practices
  • Finding bliss
  • Sound meditation

Prefer to learn at your own pace?

You will have access to all lessons and worksheets for 1 year after purchase date.

Not sure if you know enough?

Exactly why you should take this course! This course is suitable for all levels, from beginner to experienced practitioner. Its particularly suited to those that wish to know more about the tradition of yoga and the more advanced pranayama and meditation techniques.

It doesn’t matter if you aren’t flexible. It doesn’t matter if you’ve gone to only a few yoga classes. Sometimes you just feel the pull of yoga and a little voice inside you is saying, “go further.”

What’s the Investment?

Any life changing experience requires an energetic investment and a commitment of our resources; physically, mentally, emotionally, financially and requires time.

The financial investment for the online course (+ 4 group coaching sessions) is only £150!


Anyone can apply for this CSY Foundation Course. It doesn’t matter if you aren’t flexible. It doesn’t matter if you’ve gone to only two yoga classes or have been practicing for 20 years! What matters is that you have the desire to know more about yoga and yourself.

YOGA Foundation – Roots of Yoga was created to help you start your journey and completion is required for our 250hr Teacher Training Course..


To acknowledge the commitment, you have already made to CSY and to celebrate you on embarking on your Roots of Yoga journey we offer a wonderful incentive to all who graduate.

If you decide to enrol in our 250-hour Teacher Training you will benefit from significantly lower tuition fees, our way of expressing our gratitude and incentivising you to make that leap…. You can do this!!

CSY Standard Teacher Training Tuition investment £2750

ROOTS OF YOGA Graduate Tuition investment £2250



“I have learnt so much about myself from this course, as you have allowed us all to share our ideas – you brought so much self-reflection to the teachings. Before this course I never realised the importance of acknowledging feelings of the body. This course has helped develop my self-practice and I’ve now started a personal diary for how I’m feeling!” – Reza

“Richard frequently took me back to the raw questions of philosophical aspects of yoga that, in my opinion often get forgotten about in regular day to day classes. It reminded me of the importance of facing these concepts not just as a part of integrating yoga with daily life but also being able to revisit these inquiries at different points of my yoga journey. It reminds me of the inquisitive and somewhat challenging questions children often have, like “why is the sky blue? How old is the world?” – Sim

This course has already provoked the encouragement of positive lifestyle – This is the beginning of an inward change. The yoga has already had an impact into my day-to-day life.” – Sam

“I personally liked how the course encouraged developing your own personal practice and adapting the content to your own needs” Pauline

“Great overview of yoga – It has given me a vast knowledge in such a short space of time.” – Michael

“I’d definitely recommend this course to anyone who is curious of the parts of yoga that may not be experienced in classes, it really does put into perspective that classes for an hour barely touch the surface of what yoga can offer every being. I would have loved to have this knowledge when I first stumbled across yoga but now that I have, I can honestly say it has enhanced and rejuvenated how I experience my body, mind and soul. Richard is a humble teacher and makes learning extremely accessible, he is open to questions and discussions – with there being no right or wrong, nudges you to find the answers within yourself, whilst acknowledging that these answers are fluid and changeable.” – Sim

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