Richard George

Richard George CSY_edited-1

Richard has taught in top yoga studios both in London and Birmingham, and has led multiple retreats and workshops both in the UK and Internationally. Recognised by Yoga Alliance Professionals as a Senior Yoga Teacher.

Richard leads the CSY Teacher training Program and Yoga Foundation courses. He also co-teaches Shamanic Foundation and retreats.

Sometimes described as ‘The Real Deal” by his students, Richard teaches in a way that is fun and creative, and is deeply rooted in spiritual understanding, He is brilliant at explaining anatomy and alignment, and even some of the most complex philosophies in simple and understandable ways; bridging ancient teachings with contemporary scientific discoveries.

Working in both fine art and music sectors for many years of his life, Richard brings a unique creative perspective with his approach to yoga, helping students relate deeply to the body using creativity and rule breaking. He is definitely a teacher for those who want to think outside of the box, and have an intelligent relationship and awareness to the body and environment that they actually inhabit.

Richard has trained with many different schools and styles. He has studied along side many inspirational teachers such as Tias Little, Doug Keller, Donna Farhi, Jo Avison, Simon Buxton, Aadil Palkhivala, Rolf Solvik and many others. He completed his British Wheel of Yoga Diploma in 2008, and has since completed a 2-year diploma in Yoga Therapy, and studied intensively the soft architecture of the body, known as fascia.  He continues his study of the mind, body and spirit through intuitive movement, 5 rhythms,  somatics and shamanism; completing a 3 year certified course in Shamanic practices.

Deborah Richmond

Deborah RichmondDeborah is a yoga teacher, shamanic practitioner and constellation coach. She teaches yoga in its broadest sense, where yoga is a connection to self power, self love and intuition. From this place, one can then ripple this out to other humans and the rest of nature to bring about positive change.

The shamanic traditions infused her yoga, taking her to its roots. For Deborah, here rests the greatest creativity through play, ceremony and humbleness that brings new levels of transformative potential. This is where people can be touched so deeply, they begin to act in the world for the good of themselves and everything else around them.

For her Constellation Coaching she works with organisations across all aspects of society to support system changes that supports all humans and species on this planet.

Her love of nature led to co-founding a bee sanctuary and land regeneration project in Portugal,

Deborah supports Richard on the CSY Teacher training, co-runs the retreats and shamanic training.

Claire Jukes

Claire Jukes

Claire is an experienced and dedicated yoga teacher. She teaches in a variety of settings including retirement villages, schools, offices, prisons as well as studios and gyms. She has worked with Parkinsons UK, MIND and Mencap. She teaches a variety of styles such as Vinyasa Flow, Hatha, Pregnancy and Yin.

She qualified in 2013 to teach Ashtanga, but has since learnt there is so much more to yoga than one particular style. She has since trained in Pregnancy Yoga and Yogakidz, a 300hr Training in Vinyasa Flow, and has trained to teach Yin with Sarah Lo and Norman Blair.

Outside of Yoga she loves spending time with her family, friends and new granddaughter.

Claire leads the Yin and Pregnancy Modules on the CSY Teacher Training program.

Amanda Peberdy

AmandaAmanda is a graduate from the CSY Teacher Training and is certified and highly skilled in raw food and nutrition. In addition to this she has a reiki degree 2, a diploma in hypnotherapy, and a BSc Hons in Psychology, that she weaves mystically into her yoga classes.

Amanda has been trained at the famous Arthur Findlay College in Stansted, honing her intuitive abilities which always prove intensely healing in any practice she teaches hence calling her yoga business Intu-yoga.

Her passion is to heal.  She believes;

 “The best way to heal anything is holistically, mind, body and spirit..psychology, Yoga, reiki, food..a power house combination and a force for healing.”

Amanda brings her magic and sparkle to the retreats through her amazing food.


Sunil Lad

Sunil LadSunil is a CSY yoga teacher graduate and is a Registered Psychologist. He holds a doctorate in Counselling Psychology and a Masters in Forensic Psychology, he works with people in prisons with mental health difficulties.

Sunil has a keen interest in the overlap between mind and body, evolutionary psychology and the science of compassion.

Through training with CSY he has been able to immerse himself in yoga and continues to explore the overlap between ancient insights and emerging scientific findings on how to improve physical and mental health. At work he has found that his practice of yoga has helped him to continue to be compassionate and gain wisdom in a really challenging environment.

He has completed an introduction to Sanskrit and is passionate about chanting the sutras to discover the ancient mystery and teachings that they hold.

Sunil is facilitating our 3 year journey of the Yoga Sutras

Katie Wardle

Katie Wardle

Katie graduated her teacher training in 2019 and teaches at her local gym and privately. As a relatively new teacher she is finding out what inspires her most when teaching, through her CSY training she has transitioned from a consistently strong practice to a more varied and seasonal approach to yoga.
In her civilian life Katie is a project manager for the NHS and she uses these skills to help with the planning and roll out of the various CSY projects, such as the online training. She also heads up the social media for Contemporary School of Yoga, using her love of photography as a way of showcasing the spirit of CSY.
Katie supports the administration of the courses, social media and community management.